Colorado Red Royal Standard Poodles.com
Sandy and Terry Spitzer
2253 East 142nd Ave Brighton, CO 80602
...Bringing Joy to your Family, one puppy at a time...
720-217-2012 sandra_spitzer@yahoo.com

It is here, you will find useful information on Deposits, Puppy Sizes, Pricing and pretty much what to expect when getting a puppy from us.
A well-bred Poodle is highly intelligent, beautiful, loyal, and an excellent companion. Our poodles have temperaments that are happy and friendly - you can't go wrong with any of our puppies, as we give everyone of them the best start in life, starting the day they are born - you would just Love one of these guys / gals! And, they are Hypo-Allergenic.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many "Doodles" out there - well it's becasue of the 'Poodle" poodles are known for their strong bond with humans. But beware when getting a Doodle, you never know what traits they will have - unlike a purebred dog, you know what you are getting. I would also like to add: If you are purchasing one of our pure-bred poodles for Doodle breeding, please be honest and upfront with me. It is only fair, if this is your intent, that you pay for breeding rights / Full AKC . What you do with your puppy once you take him/her home, is out of my hands.
When choosing a dog, many look for breeds that form a lasting, deep connection with their humans. These dogs aren’t just pets—they become true family members, offering affection, unwavering loyalty, and companionship. Whether leaning in for a comforting cuddle, or sitting by your side with an adoring gaze, following your every move to stay close, poodles are known for their exceptional ability to bond. They provide more than just company; they bring warmth, devotion, and joy to every moment, making them cherished additions to any household. Poodles, hands down(!) are the best breed out there!
We normally have 2 litters a year.

When sending an email, inquiring about our puppies:
I will need to know if you are wanting a male OR female, OR pony sized?, Limited AKC or Full AKC with breeding rights. Send me an email, and I will let you know were you would be in-line for a puppy. I will not hold you a place in-line, until you 'inform me, by email' that you are sending a deposit to reserve a puppy.
Please note: all of our puppies are normally sold before they are born and please keep in mind, that we do not know how many puppies / how many males / how many females will be in each litter. Our girls normally have 9 to 12 puppies in a litter.
When reserving a puppy, it is very important that I have a phone number and street address. (not a PO Box) Also include a brief explanation of what you are looking for in a puppy and a brief description of your home life. So if you have send a deposit to reserve a puppy, please make sure I have this information.
To reserve a puppy, with Limited AKC, we require a non-refundable 500.00 deposit to reserve a puppy. (2500.00 total cost for a puppy)
To reserve a "PONY SIZED MALE or FEMALE" puppy, with Limited AKC, we require a non-refundable 1500.00 deposit to reserve a puppy. (3200.00 total cost for a puppy) Please note: we will not know if we have a 'pony sized male / female' until the puppies are 5-6 weeks old.
PLEASE, do not send your checks 'certified mail' where it requires a signature. The Brighton post office is a 40-minute drive. We have a 'gate' on our driveway, so the Mail carrier cannot drive up to our house. I do have my phone number by the gate, but USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc will not take the time to call me. (We have a locking mailbox, so when the mail is delivered, it falls into a keyed / locking compartment.)
Pony sized males (and yes, we have females get this large too) normally grow to 75 to 100 lbs. 28 to 31" + tall, to the top of their shoulder blades. (We can not guarantee the height or weight of your puppy, but we base this information from past litters.) Pony sized males / females: In the past, we normally have 1 to 3 'pony sized puppies' in a litter. It doesn't matter which female / male are bred, it all depends on mother nature. All of our poodles are the Royal / Larger sized dogs and have proven to have these Huge puppies. On ocassion we will have a smaller puppy, more of a 'normal' sized standard.
Pony sized males / females have a thick build, unlike 'normal standard poodles', and even thicker / stouter than our Royal sized poodles. You will be delighted with one of these guys / gals!! They are true 'show stoppers'. :) Pony puppies come with Limited AKC paperwork, which is mailed to you once we receive proof of neuter / spay.
Please note: I will choose the pony-puppies when they are 5-6 weeks old for each family. Once I know who he/she is, I will send the family photos of their new family member.
Although, pony-sized males are more common, we will get 'Pony sized Girls' Like 'Big Betty', 'Rosie', 'Ari' and 'Cedar'. Normally, one pony-girl in a litter - sometimes two, or three. Check out the information on Big Betty, click on the tab at the top of this page.
We know of several Pony sized Girls from our puppies in the past. Although they are harder to come by - you can send a deposit to reserve one. Reserving a Pony Girl will be treated the same as if you were reserving a Pony Boy. Pony-girls come with Limited AKC paperwork, which is mailed to you once we receive proof of spay.
If you are reserving a 'pony sized male' or 'pony-sized female' - if, by chance, when the puppies are 5-6 weeks old and we do not have any "ponies" in the litter - we will then offer you a Royal sized male /female. You can choose to take him /her at $2500, OR transfer your deposit to the next litter, OR ask for a full refund of your deposit. ($1500) The choice is yours.

Limited AKC registration papers will be mailed to the new owner after the puppy has been spayed or neutered. A copy of the vet receipt must be mailed / emailed to us showing this has been accomplished.

To reserve a puppy, with Full AKC. Normally, only established breeders come to us for Full AKC puppies, as we have a 'true red pedigrees', which are very hard to find in the Larger / Royal sized poodles. Full AKC puppies are $5500.00 and we require a non-refundable $2750.00 deposit to reserve a puppy. (these puppies may not be available in every litter - please send me an email on the availability if interested) Full AKC registration will allow you to breed your puppy/dog and register his/her litters with the AKC. (American Kennel Club)

We are a Happy Family with Happy Poodles but unfortunately things happen... I am sorry I have to write the following information on our web site, but over the years I have ran into a few "bad apples" in the basket, looking for a poodle puppy - if you know what I mean. Because of these "bad apples", I feel it is necessary to make note of the following information... in writing. And I'm sure I will be adding to this list as time goes on... as just when I think I've heard of everything - something new pops up...
Please note: We have been informed by an attorney that this 'agreement' between Spitzer Farms, LLC dba Colorado Red Royal Standard Poodles and 'you' - as stated within our website / emails is considered a "contract". We have no intentions to cause hardship to any family looking to purchase a puppy from us. We have no intentions to "breach a contract". Therefore, let it be known that "we", Colorado Red Royal Standard Poodles can null & void this "contract" at any time, for any reason, without repercussion from any family 'you' who has sent us a deposit towards the purchase of a puppy. If 'we' Colorado Red Royal Standard Poodles null & voids this contract with any family 'you', we will refund your entire deposit that you sent us towards a puppy purchase.
Please note: PRIOR to sending a deposit, if you have any "deal breaking" requests, I must know these requests by email. For example, if you will only accept a puppy that is the darkest red puppy in the litter... or the puppy must have a medium sized white star on the chest, or it must... etc, I need to know this information. If this is the case and depending on your specific request(s), more than likely I will not accept a deposit from you until after the litter is born and we know what puppies are available (if any) at approx. 6 weeks old. I will then know exactly what the puppy(s) will look like and you can then determine if the puppy will work for you.
Please note: these deposits will be held (deposit checks will be cashed) until the litter is born. Once the litter is born we will notify you, and let you know if there is, OR is not a puppy for you. 
Please note: When your check is returned to me for 'Insufficient Funds' my bank charges me $40. When this happens, you will be responsible for reimbursement of this fee.
Please note: All checks are to be made out to: SPITZER FARMS, LLC
( Do Not make the check out to my name. Thx )
Please note: as the breeder, we reserve the right to keep any puppy, in any litter, at any time after the litter is born. If this happens, we will offer you another puppy of the opposite sex (if we have one available), OR transfer your deposit to the next litter, OR offer a refund your full deposit. Although this is unlikely to happen, (but it may!) we wanted to make sure you are aware of this.
Please note: As with all living animals, sometimes a puppy(s) will get sick. The term 'sick' can be something simple or something more complicated. If any of our puppies happen to get sick, we will not release the puppy until it is healthy. In the event this happens to your puppy - we will notify you and if need be (depending on the circumstance) 'we may decide' it is best to promptly refund your entire deposit - thus allowing you to continue your search for a puppy with another breeder. The health and well being of all our puppies is very important to us! We will determine if the details of a circumstance like this, may or may not be shared with you.
Please note: If at any time we feel 'you' are not a good fit for one of our puppies, you will be notified that we are mailing / refunding your full deposit. We do not have to give you details as to 'why' we feel this way - your deposit will be refunded so you can continue your search for a puppy elsewhere.
Please note: When reserving a puppy from us, at no time are 'you' in control or have the say so of the health decisions, or have any control of the input when it comes to the care of the puppy. Once the puppy is purchased (paid in full), and is picked up by the new family / 'you' (at 8 weeks old) it is only then, 'you' can make these decisions for the puppy.
Please note: If for some reason your puppy has some type of a genetic issue, (and we hope this never happens) you will not receive AKC registration paperwork for this puppy. Your puppy/dog will need to be microchipped, and spayed/neutered. We will require you to send us the microchip number for our records. Any puppy that has been given/donated to a family at 'no-charge' will not receive AKC registration paperwork, nor the health warranty on the puppy.
Please do not ask for photos of your puppy / the puppies. When we have a litter of puppies, we are extremely busy with the puppies, along with all the other normal activities in our household. I try to post photos weekly (if not more often) on our web site for all the families to view as they grow. So, check our web site often. Do not ask for the weight of the puppies - we do not weigh our puppies as they grow.
Be considerate. When we are asked, by 'you' to transfer your puppy deposit to the next litter, due to a conflict not originated by us, (and we agree to the transfer) - your deposit can only be transferred once. When sending a pre-litter deposit to hold a place in-line, this place is not offered to other families inquiring about our puppies. So when you ask for a transfer, it puts us in a bind becasue we have already turned away other families. We understand 'things' happen and we will try our best to be fair to both parties if this situation comes up. Prior to sending a deposit, please be sure you are ready to make this commitment .

Once the puppies are born, you will be notified that we have a puppy reserved in your name. If there are not enough puppies in the litter for all the families on the list, and you were unfortunate by not getting one. At that time, we will offer you a puppy of the opposite sex (if one is available), OR transfer your deposit to another litter, OR you can ask for a full refund of your deposit. The choice is yours. If you decide to transfer your deposit to another litter, please don't come back to us and ask for a refund later - you have agreed to the above requirements on this page- deposits are non-refundable unless we do not have a puppy for you once the litter is born.
We will transfer your deposit only once. When transferring your deposit, and after the second litter is born - if we still do not have a puppy for you - your deposit will be refunded.
Sending a 'pre-litter' deposit will give you the peace of mind and assurance that you are on the puppy reservation list. It will also give you a better chance of getting a puppy from one of our litters, as all of our puppies are normally spoken for before they are born. Please remember, just becasue you sent a deposit, it doesn't mean you WILL get a puppy. We hope you will, but only time will tell.... :)

Making our Puppies "Super Dogs": Early Neurological Stimulation for Dogs, (ENS) Along with supplemental bottle feeding is the answer!! Starting when the puppies are 3 days old, we start neurological Stimulation. It has been used for decades and benefits puppy development in five ways. 1) Improves Heart Rate. 2) Stonger Heart Beats. 3) Stonger Adrenal Glands. 4) More Tolerance to Stress. 5) Greater Resistance to Disease.
At approx 6-7 weeks of age, the new familes can pick out their puppy in the order of which we received a deposit. Families purchasing Full AKC registration, will have a higher priority, when choosing their puppy. The higher priority slots on the list for Full AKC, are not available at all times. There are only a couple of these slots avaiable per litter. Families reserving a 'Pony Sized Male' or a 'Pony Sized Female' - I will choose the puppy for you.
Viewing of the litter prior to 6 weeks is fine, but only for a short time as it makes the mother uncomfortable. We do not allow you to handle the puppies at this age. And please keep in mind that I am extremely busy with the young puppies and may not have time for visitors. Also keep in mind, allowing visitors will change due to covid. Remember this is 'our home', not a kennel or a store-front buisness. Our dogs & puppies live inside our home with us.
We only allow families to visit when: we have a litter of puppies - If you are ready to add another family member to your home - if you have already sent us a deposit to reserve a puppy and we have received it in the mail. - only if we have puppies that are still available.
Handling of the puppies is not allowed until they are 6-7 weeks old, at which time the 'puppy selection process' will start. We will identify which puppy you pick out by marking them. (for example) a female with the front right foot shaved, or a female with the left rear foot shaved, male with both front feet shaved, etc. Identifying the puppies by grooming / shaving their feet has worked well for us.
Puppy Selection Process at 5-7 weeks old.
When stopping by our home:
Do not wear perfumes, or scented lotions, as the different smells make the mother nervous.
Wear shoes, pants... The puppies have teeth and like to use them :)
Take extra caution not to step on a puppy.
Young children will not be allowed to go into the puppy pen with all the puppies. They can stand by the edge of the pen to visit with them.
Please think about what you are looking for in a puppy prior to visiting - I will have some very busy / long days during the 'puppy selection process' and will have families coming/going all day. Please limit your visit to 15-20 minutes.
If you are not stoppiing by to choose your puppy - I will send you photos & a brief description of the puppies that are available via email.
After the puppies are born, (and we have a puppy for you) and in the event a familiy changes their mind on purchasing a puppy, deposit monies will not be refunded, nor transferred to another litter, but used towards additional advertising expenses in selling the puppy.
At eight weeks old, the puppies are ready to go to their new homes. We do offer boarding for your puppy ONLY if prior arrangements have been made with us several weeks in advance. And only if boarding your puppy works with our plans. Otherwise, please plan to pick up your puppy when it is 8 weeks old. Boarding your puppy with us after he/she is 8 weeks old will be a minimum of $40 / night and if your puppy stays longer than 7 nights, Boarding will go to $60 / night. And this only applies if arrangements are discussed and agreed upon, prior to picking up your puppy. Once all of your puppy's littermates are gone, it is a chore for us to keep only one puppy behind. Puppies start the 'bonding process' at eight weeks old and it is so very important that they are with their new family... if at all possible.
Please be considerate of what time in the morning you plan on stopping by to either 'choose a puppy or ' pick up a puppy' to take home. It takes several hours everyday, in the morning to clean up the nightly mess.. not to mention to get ourselves up and ready to go. We ask that 8:00 am be the earliest - thank you.

Above, is a sample of the items your puppy will take home.
When the puppies 'leave our nest', we send home:
*a 'scented' towel, "scented" like their mother and siblings.
*a 'scented' stuffed animal to help with the transition when leaving their parents.
*They will have their first set of vaccines and have been de-wormed. A record of this will be in the 'puppy packet'
*Puppy kibble, (Purina ProPlan - Puppy Large Breed.) If you choose to change puppy food, use this bag to slowly switch them over and to avoid an upset stomach. We also feed all our puppies Bil-Jac Picky No More. *AKC registration papers will be given to Full AKC families when picking up their puppy. Limited AKC registration papers will be mailed to the new owner after the puppy has been spayed or neutered. A copy of the vet receipt must be mailed to us showing this has been accomplished.

*Grooming. All puppies will be bathed, and groomed. We groom the face and feet on all puppies prior to leaving our home. It is in the best interest of your puppy. (so please don't ask to leave your puppy fuzzy) Having their first grooming by their 'nanny' (me :) is so much easier on them than you or a groomming shop do this. The puppies know me, and trust me, so when grooming them, they have that sense of security. It is also important to keep the hair trimmed by your puppy/ dog's eyes. Just imagine if you had hair hanging down over your eyes.
We give a 2-year genetic health guarantee on each puppy. (until the puppy is 2 years old) If an issue arises within the two-year time frame, (or actually any time in your puppy's life, as we need to know this for breeding purposes) Please get in touch with us. Send us a letter from your veterinarian, describing the issue in detail, along with photos as deemed necessary. (you must also send a copy of the purchase agreement / health guarantee you recieved when picking up your puppy) If indeed there is a serious / life-threatening genetic issue, and the puppy is younger than 2 years old, we will offer you another puppy if we have one available (in exchange for the current pup/ dog. Return of the puppy / dog will be at your expense) If no pups are available, we will place you on the waiting list for the next litter. A refund of the purchase price of the puppy may be offered, depending on the circumstances. This decision is determined by (us) the breeder of the puppy, not by the new puppy owner.
All arrangements of taking a puppy home when living out of state is the responsibility of the new owner.
If you live out of state, yet another option is to use a 'pet chauffeur'. or a 'pet nanny'. When hiring a delivery service, it is your responsibility to make sure the company is trustworthy and carries the required insurance / permits, and if a health certificate is required for the puppy to travel. If interested, we may have some people / company names that offer this service.

A State Health Certificate is required for the puppy to fly (cargo) The Health Certificate will cost $150.00+ (this certificate is only necessary if the puppy is flying 'cargo' OR if you are having a 'transport business' picking up your puppy OR if you are taking your puppy into Canada) This cost shall be paid, prior to shipping the puppy. The Health Certificate is only good for 10 days. If your travel plans change and a new Health Certificate is necessary - you will be responsible to purchase another certificate. I will need to know at least 14 days in advance of the flight departure.
Please remember: Once the puppy leaves our home, we (Colorado Red Royal Standard Poodles) are not responsible for the puppy's well being. It is the new owner (you) who takes full responsibility of the puppy's well being. This applies to whether you, a friend, a family member, a travel nanny, a pet chauffeur, or whomever picks up the puppy from our home, per your instructions / arrangements.

"Royal Standard Puppies" are "BIG Puppies" It is very important to pick up your puppy as close as possible when they are eight weeks old, as these little guys are big! At eight weeks old, female pups will weigh approx 17 lbs. Male pups will weigh approx 19 lbs. Both are about 14" tall to the top of their back.
The pups will fit in the soft sided carry-on that is recommended by the airlines. This carrier must fit under the seat in front of you. It will be tight, but families who fly in to pick up their puppy, do make it home! 
What size of carrier should you get? Ask the airline you are traveling! Every airline is different, and they change their policies all the time. Get the largest carrier they allow.
The soft sided carry-on in the photos above have dimensions of: 18"L x 10.5"W x 11"H
Always supervise small children when around or handling a small puppy/dog. The only safe way for a child to hold a puppy, is sitting on the floor with the puppy between their legs, or on their lap. Also, never leave a puppy on a chair, bed, couch, or stairs unattended. Remember, these guys (even though they are BIG) are only 8 weeks old and they are just learning what life is all about.
We welcome any and all questions - just send me an email sandra_spitzer@yahoo.com or give me a call 720-217-2012